There will be an online readthrough on Tuesday 28th January, and open auditions on Sunday 2nd February at Tillage Hall, Waterbeach CB25 9NJ at 2pm. The cast is as follows, with a fluid age range:
The slightly older couple...
Frank Foster: | Bob and William's employer |
Fiona Foster: | Frank's wife who is having a fling with Bob |
the more middle-aged and rather baffled couple...
William Featherstone: | An employee of Frank |
Mary Featherstone: | William's wife |
and the younger, very feisty couple, who have just become parents...
Bob Phillips: | An employee of Frank, who is having a fling with Fiona |
Teresa Phillips: | Bob's wife |
Bob/Teresa1 | HToHLAuditionPieces/BobTeresa1 |
Bob/Teresa2 | HToHLAuditionPieces/BobTeresa2 |
Fiona/Bob/Teresa | HToHLAuditionPieces/FionaBobTeresa |
FrankFiona1 | HToHLAuditionPieces/FrankFiona1 |
FrankFiona2 | HToHLAuditionPieces/FrankFiona2 |
FrankFionaTeresaWilliamMary | HToHLAuditionPieces/FrankFionaTeresaWilliamMary |
WilliamMary | HToHLAuditionPieces/WilliamMary |
All | HToHLAuditionPieces/All |
Rehearsals are at Waterbeach School on Monday and Thursday evenings, 7:30-9:30, until the last couple of weeks, when they are slightly longer. It is possible tha William and Mary may not be required for one or two rehearsals, the rest of the cast are required for every rehearsal.
If you would like more details in advance of the readthrough or auditions, please contact director Vicki here
Phone: 01223 880023
Buy tickets from:
Phone: 01223 880023
In person: The Sun Inn, Waterbeach
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